Legal Information
Emmanuelle-Marie Remise
Atelier MALAM,
8 place des Pêcheurs,
58400 La Charité sur Loire, FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0)3 58 09 19 90
Email :
N° SIREN : 502 650 450
VAT : FR32502650450
Code APE : 7410Z
CNIL declaration : 2099364 v 0
Editor : Emmanuelle-Marie Remise
Web Host : 1&1 Internet SARL 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex, FRANCE / Phone : +33 (0)970 808 911
We guarantee that any personal data obtained from our visitors or customers will remain confidential.
Temporary character of data obtained on the website
To deal with your order, we have to know and memorize certain parameters with are given to us by your computer: who you are, what articles you are currently looking at or buying, etc. Cookies are small programs used only to memorize while you are here your identity (which we recognize thanks to your login and password) and the contents of your cart while you are filling it up.
Protection of personal data
As an online selling venue, we have to collect a certain amount of information necessary to deal with your order. This information will be dealt with in a confidential way, and will be kept internal to MALAM.
Respect of French and European.
We abide by the "Computer and Freedom" from January 6th, 1978, and the
General Data Protection Regulation, which means that you have the full right to access, modify, and delete data concerning you. You can use this right by sending us a letter by post (Atelier MALAM, 8 place des Pêcheurs, 58400 La Charité sur Loire, France) or by email (